- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Sass

- JavaScript
- Figma

- React
- JavaScript

Stacey Evy: Realtor
- JavaScript
A year-long challenge blog created with a Node.js backend using MongoDB for data. This site has a custom CMS I created in order to create or edit posts, with authentication required in order to do so. It in itself is like a second portfolio as it will feature fifty-two projects I create through the year to grow as a developer.
This is a site created in order to practice using Figma to plan layouts. While reading a forum post, I followed a link to the website of a particular product. That product's website was extremely dated. It had dead links. The console was rife more than 15 errors. It needed a redesign, badly.
In an effort not to insult the creator of the product, in the extremely unlikely event they should ever discover this site, the fictitious ByeByeBuggy product is similar to the product in question, but is not the same. The images are doctored images of another product.
version 1 of ?-- This is a massive undertaking, a life-organization app that handles tasks, calendar, menu-planning, travel-planning, and completely customizable goal and symptom tracking. It will include some reporting functions.
As of version 1, Organizm is a tasks list app with a bit extra added. It also includes a custom date picker so that a goal date can be added to a task. In later versions of the app, these dates will be used to sort tasks and to populate a calendar component. Data currently is saved to local storage.
The name, Organizm, is an amalgam of "organize" and "organism". It will grow in breadth and complexity with future versions. Because of this, it needs a scalable architecture both in style and function. I used Sass to structure the CSS and BEM nomenclature as BEM/Sass/React are natural symbiots. I chose to use functional React components instead of class for a couple reasons: one, it's the trend. Two, hooks and context allow state to be shared and manipulated by multiple components while keeping the code structure cleaner, making it easier to scale.
This is a site created for a fictious realtor. I gave myself a challenge of creating a fully-functional static site that could be used on a professional level within five days (approximately 8.5 working hours) as my first focused complete-site project. I was able to achieve that goal. There are a few subtle CSS and JavaScript animations on the site, as well as custom JavaScript form validation.
Site is fully mobile-friendly and tested on such, though it displays well on standard desktop and wide-screen monitors.
Click on a card above to see details about my fully deployed projects, including a link to each project and its Github repository.
Please view my complete Github profile for the full extent of my original projects. Most of my projects are very small in nature, built to explore specific skills like using the HTML canvas or coupling a JavaScript library that only works with ES5 code with other functions that require datakeys from ES6 code. I also have these rather large projects in progress: